Caroline Fish, LMSW, JD
Co-Founder & Past Board President
Caroline is a New York-based social work and legal professional with a passion for storytelling, advocacy, social justice, and human rights. Her educational background is in psychology (B.A), international development (M.S.W), and international law (J.D.); her specialized training and experience is in working with vulnerable populations, at-risk youth, and communities on issues of sexual assault, relationship violence and human trafficking. She has tackled these topics in nonprofit and government agencies in North Carolina, Missouri, rural Maine, Paris, France, and, now, New York. Projects she has led in the past include two community art campaigns against gender-based violence, a federal human trafficking case manager certification program, a documentary on campus sexual assault, and multi-national research project involving over forty human rights activists in four countries. HOSTL is the first ongoing, community, storytelling project that she has been a part of since its founding.